a mature tree that hosts the monarch butterflies during their overwintering in Mexico.

Adopt a tree and protect the monarchs

Adopt or give a tree, over 40 years old that protects the monarch butterflies during its overwintering season!

How to do it?

  • Customize

    Name the tree you will adopt through a simple form.

  • Receive

    A welcome letter and a certificate that be delivered to you. In the case of a gift to another person you have given the tree to, they will receive an email with the name assigned to the tree, species, age, latitude, longitude, and exact location in gmaps.

  • Collaborate

    Carpinteros indigenous community and Alternare A.C., will follow up and maintain your tree and print a biodegradable label with the name you assigned it.

  • Monitor

    We will take care of your tree and take georeferenced photos biannually to share with you so you can track the tree you adopted.

I want to adopt a tree!

$300.00Add to cart




Alternare’s team along with Carpinteros indigenous community will geoposition the adopted trees and send you an email to the address you provide in this platform. The email will contain a certificate with the exact data of the tree: species, age, georeference (latitude, longitude, and exact location in gmaps)

Any conservation or environmental regeneration process must be done hand in hand with the communities, owners, and guardians of the most important ecosystems of our country. By adopting a tree in the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve, you will collaborate with the Carpinteros indigenous community and with Alternare to protect the oyamel and pine forests in the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve (MBBR), which provide the necessary climate for the successful overwintering of this emblematic species. In 2021, 27% less butterflies arrived in Mexico compared to the previous year. Among the threats they face are the effects of climate change, the degradation of their overwintering forests and decreased milkweed during their journey back to their breeding grounds. With this initiative, we seek to give you an alternative to contribute to the conservation and regeneration of the overwintering forests of the monarch butterfly and the well-being of its inhabitants. Adopt yours and customize it!

Forests and trees trap and store carbon as they grow, and as such, are one of the most cost-efficient alternatives having greatest impact against climate change. Additionally, forests are vital to biodiversity, as they are home to 80% of life on earth. But with the loss of millions of hectares of forest each year, biodiversity is threatened. By adopting a tree, you will also be contributing to conserve the wonderful biodiversity of the area, habitat of 132 bird species, 56 mammals (SEMARNAT, 2000) and 423 vascular plants (Cornejo-Tenorio et al., 2003). Likewise, the area is home to endemic organisms, which exist only in Mexico and nowhere else in the world, such as the salamander (Pseudoeurycea belli), the ajolote (Ambystoma rivulare) and species subject to special protection such as pine (Pinus martinezii).

We need to take care of our only home by taking care of our forests.

The monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) is internationally recognized for its incredible migration. Each winter millions of specimens travel to California and Mexico. The American monarch is the only butterfly that makes such a spectacular journey, with a distance close to 5,000 kilometers. The migration of these small insects, weighing half a gram, comprises much of North America and is a wonderful and very complex phenomenon. It is one of the longest and most numerous migrations in the world of insects and in addition, the migratory generation (the same individuals) makes the round trip. Unlike bird, turtle and whale migrations monarch butterflies have never been in their overwintering sites before. In addition, butterflies are important pollinators, key for agriculture and human food security.

Provide maintenance and carry out activities that allow the core zone to be preserved, ensuring healthy forests in excellent condition greet the monarch butterflies during their overwintering season.

Yes, with the data you enter when adopting a tree, we will send you a tax-deductible receipt.

The Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve is east of the state of Michoacán in the borders west of the state of Mexico; it covers the municipalities of Temascalcingo, San Felipe del Progreso, Donato Guerra and Villa de Allende in the state of Mexico, and Contepec, Senguío, Angangueo, Ocampo, Zitácuaro, and Áporo in the state of Michoacán.

The Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve is located east of the state of Michoacán on the western border of the state of Mexico; covers the municipalities of Temascalcingo, San Felipe del Progreso, Donato Guerra and Villa de Allende in the state of Mexico, and Contepec, Senguío, Angangueo, Ocampo, Zitácuaro, and Áporo in the state of Michoacán. Currently, the area protects 13,552 ha in the core zone and 42,707 in the buffer zone for a total of 56,259 hectares of forest. In addition, is integrated by a contiguous area that protects vital watersheds for butterflies as they make their return.

Thank you for caring for the forests and the conservation of the monarch butterfly’s migratory phenomenon led by the communities! To help us reach our goal, click here (link to adoption). Your support will help us plant trees and protect and restore forests in the location you choose, or you can choose to let us decide where more funds are needed.




of this huge forest restoration effort

Our goal is for Carpinteros indigenous community to be able to maintain and plant more than 300 hectares of forest in the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve. It’s a huge number, but we know we can do it with your help!

Our mission


Through BosqueSomos we want to offer you an alternative to get involved in the construction of a sustainable future and the regeneration of the ecosystems that host the wonderful migratory phenomenon of the monarch butterfly.

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